World languages

compound words worksheet for grade 1 or 2 - compound words activity sheets
compound words worksheet for kindergarten to help you teach students about compound words. A compound word is made when two smaller words are joined together to form a new word.

sight word like worksheet kindergarten
Printable sight word like worksheet .Students will practice finding and recognizing the sight word, write it, trace it, read it, and cut and paste the letters to make it.

sight word said worksheet kindergarten
Printable sight word said worksheet .Students will practice finding and recognizing the sight word, write it, trace it, read it, and cut and paste the letters to make it.

Números ordinales del 1 al 10 - Actividad de escritura para kindergarten
Printable ordinal numbers in spanish worksheet 1-10 Esta hoja de trabajo es una forma sencilla para que los estudiantes comiencen a aprender los números ordinales.

Coincidir partes de la casa Hoja de trabajo para kindergarten
Parts of the house in spanish worksheet ¡Involucre a las mentes jóvenes con esta hoja de trabajo para el jardín de infantes! Los niños se divertirán emparejando y trazando varias partes de la casa, fomentando el aprendizaje temprano y el desarrollo de las habilidades motoras finas.

Meses y temporadas imprimibles - months and seasons in spanish worksheet
months and four seasons in spanish worksheet refuerza el concepto de cambios estacionales en la naturaleza. Los estudiantes hacen coincidir los meses del año con las estaciones.

Ropa para diferentes temporadas - Clothes and seasons in spanish worksheet
**Seasons weather and clothes in spanish worksheet **que se centra en los diferentes tipos de ropa que solemos usar durante las diferentes estaciones.

Abreviaturas días de la semana - Abbreviations days of the week in spanish sheet
Abbreviations days of the week in spanish worksheet está diseñado para ayudar a los alumnos a practicar y dominar las abreviaturas de los días de la semana de una forma divertida y atractiva. Comprender las abreviaturas es una importante habilidad lingüística que ayuda a la comunicación y a la eficacia.

Printable animal shadow matching activity kindergarten worksheets for toddlers
preschool farm animal shadow matching students have to draw a line to match each picture on the left with its shadow on the right.

food kindergarten farm animals and their products worksheets
Printable farm animals and their products worksheets is designed to help students understand the various products that come from farm animals.